Maybe You'd Feel Differently

by Claude V. Weir

The time has come for us to talk
And let you see the paths we've walked...
If once Warrior King in your native Land
But now called "Boy" and deemed less than a man,

...Maybe You'd Feel Differently
If your grandfather's corpse swayed from giant oak tree
As the crowd waved "THAT FLAG" in a warm southern breeze,

...Maybe You'd Feel Differently
Whether General, Mogul or on the "White" track
But always doubted because you are Black,

...Maybe You'd Feel Differently
If you own a nice home or drive a nice car
And still made to feel you haven't come far,

...Maybe You'd Feel Differently
If you walk down the street and she clutches her purse
Or, to not pose a threat, you press your floor first,

...Maybe You'd Feel Differently
Should we take off our masks and remove our suits
And allow you to peer deep down to our roots,

...Then Maybe, Just Maybe, You'd Feel Differently


The World History of Drugs Part I: What Do You Know About Dope?


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