The Bami Soro Workbook

The Bami Soro Workbook’s most important value is helping professionals with little or no experience in communicating with Black Americans or people of color develop their own comfortable, confident communication style.

The first step in any effective therapy, counseling or teaching situation is to establish a relationship where honest, soulful communication takes place, creating mutual understanding and respect.

If you are American, there is a better than even chance that you are White. That means your experiences with Black Americans don’t overlap. Black and White counselors, therapists and teachers will appreciate having a culturally directed tool to enhance their cross-cultural communications skills.

Explore Bami Soro Trainings

 Bami Soro Culturally Directed Workbook


This Culturally Directed Healing Program was designed for helping professionals (therapists, educators, counselors, etc.) who work with African Americans.

Bami Soro Presentation

The Bami Soro training was created with these facts in mind: some challenges aren't solved by statistics, imperial data, best practice surveys, or systems designed by well-meaning White professionals who miss the point. Some challenges require something more fundamental.... Learning to talk with people who see the world differently. This training is designed to help bridge that cultural communications gap.

For pricing information, questions, or to book this presentation,
please call George at 612-232-5554.